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Delaware Statutory Trusts/UPREITs/
1031 Exchange Options

Delaware Statutory Trusts/UPREITs/
1031 Exchange Options

The largest transfer of wealth is underway in our nation. The “Silver Tsunami” has begun and Baby Boomers, the wealthiest generation in the U.S., is set to transfer trillions of dollars of assets to their beneficiaries.

When looking at their total net worth, on average, 70% of their total net worth resides in two different asset classes – Real Estate and Qualified Investments (45% real estate & 25% qualified accounts).

Baby Boomers are now in retirement and are looking to enjoy the best time of their life and being a landlord is making it difficult.

  • The Challenges of Being a Landlord
  • Fully Depreciated Real Estate Assets = More Income Taxes
  • Highly Appreciated Real Estate Assets = Capital Gains Taxes
  • Costs Associated with Maintaining and Upkeeping Real Estate Investments
  • And Many More . . .

What is a Delaware Statutory Trust – IRC: 2004-86

A Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) permits a fractional ownership structure, where multiple investors can share ownership in a single property or portfolio of properties which qualifies as replacement property as part of an investor’s 1031 exchange transaction. A DST takes all decision-making out of the hands of the investors and places it in the hands of an experienced sponsor-affiliated trustee.

Sell your property

Proceeds go to a Qualified Intermediary (QI)

Exchange into a DST, diversifying your portfolio

DST sells in 5-7 years and money goes back to QI
Choose whether to…

  • Cash out
  • Roll into a new DST
  • Roll into a property
  • Roll into a 721

REIT acquires the DST & investors receive OP units

12 months after DST is acquired…

  • Monthly liquidity
  • Exit at NAV

Benefits of a DST & UPREIT 1031 Exchange:


Due to the fractional ownership nature of a DST, it allows for a more fair and easily divisible real estate asset at transfer and ultimately helps keep families together.


If for some reason the investor cannot acquire physical property, a secondary DST option allows them to meet the exchange deadline and defer all taxes.


Most real estate investors can’t afford to own multi-million dollar properties. DSTs allow investors to acquire partial ownership in these kinds of properties that are otherwise out-of-reach.


All 1031 exchange investments receive a Step-Up in Cost Basis so your heirs will not inherit the Capital Gains liability. The passive nature of a DST structure makes it easy for investors to keep exchanging until receiving the Step-Up.


Loans are nonrecourse to the investor. The DST is the sole borrower. This ensures that investors never have to worry about qualifying for a mortgage if they’re selling an investment property with a mortgage.


In an UPREIT structure, owners of units may have the ability to access liquidity options through the REIT. However, these liquidations may be a taxable transaction and the owner would recognize the tax liability at the time of the liquidation.


Any remaining profit on the sale of an investment property is considered “boot.” This excess cash (boot) can be invested in a DST to avoid paying taxes.


The DST/UPREIT is the single owner and agile decision maker on behalf of the investors.


Investors can divide their investment among multiple DSTs, which may provide for a more diversified portfolio by geography and property types.


DSTs can accommodate a minimum investment of most times $100,000.

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