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Charitable Planned Giving

At INPAC WEALTH, we understand that true wealth encompasses more than financial assets; it involves leaving a lasting impact on the world.

That’s why we offer specialized expertise in Charitable Planned Giving, helping our clients maximize their philanthropic impact, while optimizing their financial and estate planning strategies.

Benefits of Charitable Planned Giving:


Charitable Planned Giving helps clients leverage tax-efficient strategies such as Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) and donating highly appreciated assets (Stocks & Real Estate) to minimize income tax liability and maximize charitable deductions.


By incorporating Charitable Planned Giving in your estate plan, you can reduce your estate tax exposure and ensure that your wealth is transferred in accordance with your values an philanthropic goals.


A proper Charitable Planned Gift is one that incorporates a donor’s Financial, Family, Tax, Retirement, Estate, Legacy, and Philanthropic goals. This will be different for everyone. This is why all Giving Strategies are custom to our donor.


Charitable vehicles are never “one-size fits all.” As a result, our expertise extends to Charitable Remainder Unitrusts (CRUT), Charitable Lead Trust (CLT), and other specialized charitable vehicles that provide donors with comprehensive options for achieving their philanthropic goals.

At INPAC WEALTH, we are dedicated to helping you leave a lasting legacy that reflects your values and makes a meaningful impact on the causes you care about. Our goal is to help you integrate Charitable Planned Giving seamlessly into your overall Wealth Management Strategy and provide guidance and support at every stage of the process.

Ready to explore how Charitable Planned Giving can enhance your legacy and optimize your overall Financial and Estate Plan? We’re here to help. Together, we can create a customized solution that aligns with your goals and “Dreams”.

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